Convenience food and snacks


Convenience food and snacks

Challenges in the convenience food snacks sector

Fresh food composite products and semi-finished products form an important part of the convenience food and snack sector. To prevent cross-contamination, separate zones for production are required. How can you continue to manage the conditions in the various areas? How can you satisfy strict hygiene requirements? You do not want to make concessions in the internal logistics of the different rooms. How do you take the different conditions of all your different products into consideration? Roma has the answers for all your insulated construction issues.

Customised insulated construction

Roma isolatiesystemen offers customised insulated construction for producers of convenience food and snacks. With a view to strict hygiene requirements, we developed the foodsafe building concept. We also think along with you about a suitable routing technology and a thermal bridge-free design. For instance, you can increase your flexibility by using insulated walls that easily can be disassembled.

Roma isolatiesystemen is the insulated construction specialist for your:

  • Food production rooms
  • Blast chiller rooms
  • Portioning room
  • Packing room
  • Cold stores and freezer rooms

  • Building concepts for convenience food snacks

    Do you also have special wishes and requirements concerning thermal insulation, fire safety and architecture, in addition to foodsafety? Using our knowledge and experience, we have developed a construction concept for every theme. We can integrate the different concepts effortlessly in a single total, customised concept. Our technicians advise and think together with you in the design, and our assemblers build your food processing room or food assembly factory.

    Like to know more?

    Are you curious about how you can maintain the quality of your products? Now and in the future? Please contact us. Together with you, we can jointly examine the possibilities for your temperature-controlled room or building.

    Let's get together

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